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Welcome to my blog
Hope you learn
a thing
or two :))


My name is Priscilla. I'm a future Home Economics teacher and this blog is a little peek into my world and what I love to do.


To be infectious with my passion.

Leave Your Mark ♥



October 2010
November 2010
February 2011


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Wednesday, February 9, 2011 9:55 PM

It's been so long since I last updated. Why you may ask? It's been a whirlwind of a semester. Since the start of the semester there has been just so much to do. A lot of brainstorming for our Consumer Education module. After a long long long deliberation, we decided to make and sell Scrapbooking Kits. Here are some pics below. It has been a very interesting experience learning about entrepreneurship. It was definitely not a bed of roses but it was fun when we finally got the hang of it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 11:09 PM

Scrapbooking and Wrapping up of Textile Module
So today was the second last lesson of our textile module and I have completed all my assignments. It took me a few attempts to get it done right though. I'm not particularly very creative or neat for that matter so sewing and art really ends up looking not that pretty but I do enjoy it though. There's something particularly soothing about painting and doing arty things. So here are some of the samples of what I did. I do hope to do scrap-booking in the future again, although Ms Chin was telling me how expensive it is to buy the deco items. But I really think these would make great, meaningful gifts. I have so many ideas for presents now! I used to wonder what to get my friends which is meaningful and finally I know what I could do ! So without further a do.....here are the artifacts!!!

What do you think? Should I stick to my day job? ;))

Sunday, November 21, 2010 11:32 PM

Long Overdue Updates!
I am incredibly sorry but I have just so caught up with everything that's been going on. What with school and both my grandfather and mother ill and hospitalized. That's quite a lot to handle. The one thing I've learned though, is that I have to stay afloat no matter what storms come my way. Life is such, as teacher I'm sure that I'll have a truckload more of issues to face and it is about learning to thrive in such situations that would make me a good teacher. Anyways updates! I mentioned about going back to NY NY for deserts and I did! so here are the pictures! Enjoy!
 I believe the pictures speak for themselves. As we know garnishing and plating enhances the appeal of a dish and these dishes with the chocolate sauce drizzled over the vanilla ice cream. The plating is indeed effective. Yum ! I'm a chocoholic so this was heaven in a bite. :) So a tip for everyone, when life get a little tough and you just feel like you need a break, you should take a break and go do what you like or treat yourself to something nice! As they say.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010 1:17 PM

Lunch Excursion

On tuesdays, lessons end early and Jia Li and I decided to go some place nice to eat as Ms Chin mentioned that we should go to nice places to eat see how the food is presented. So off to Jurong Point we went as we didn't have much time to venture somewhere too far. Quite honestly, there are way to many places to eat at Jurong Point and we had a hard time picking a place to dine at. Eventually we settled on New York, New York. Here come the pictures....
This is the Southwestern mash potato with gravy. Doesn't it look like a volcano with lava oozing? Well that was some awesome tasting lava ! I'm not particularly a fan of mash potatoes but this one...wow I will definitely be craving for this mash potato very soon in the near future. 
As we waited for our main course, we took a look at the deco of the place and they had a whole wall with shelves that had bottles of preserved vegetables, pasta and spices. It was a sight to behold. I want a wall in my kitchen with all my cooking essentials too! 

Then came the main courses, this was what Jia Li had. Grilled dory with Herbs. The fish was breaded with toasted garlic bread crumbs which added an interesting taste to the fish. 

After a very long wait, came my Mexican Cheesy Chicken. To say the least, this was pleasure in a bite. The chicken was very succulent and the nachos were a great complement to the chicken. Fries would have been too filling. I was stuffed when i finished the dish. The plate has a wonderful array of colours which really pleases the eye. Definitely worth every cent! Especially if you go during lunch as there is a lunch promo and I'm very sure that you will be walking out a very satisfied person. We also had lemon tea and a scoop of ice cream along with our meal. 
 As we already had ice cream with our lunch set, we didn't order any desserts. However, take a look at the dessert menu. Simply sinfully good. I can't wait to go down there for dessert soon. Oh by the way! The staff at the Jurong Point branch were also very friendly. So if your thinking of a place to eat at and around the area, do dine there. 


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:06 AM

Food Combinations

During my poly days, I remember learning about how eating certain foods together would enhance the absorption of the vitamin/mineral. Recently, I came across a website which talked about that. Food synergy is what it's called. Getting the most out of our meals would definitely be something that we would all want to achieve. Consumption of certain foods together might actually improve your health as it aids  digestion as well! So let me introduce you to the 7 food combinations that you should strive to have in your diet. 

Green Kiwifruit and Meat

Image from www.shuttershock.com
Kiwi has been known to have a tenderising effect on meat. A research conducted by Riddet Institute in New Zealand has confirmed that the enzyme  actinidin, that is present  in green kiwifruit can break down proteins, leading to more thorough digestion. If you are having a protein-rich meal, having some green kiwifruit along with it will result in better absorption of proteins.

 Tomatoes and Broccoli

 Image from wellsphere.com
A study from the University of Illinois, shows that the combination  combination of Tomatoes and Broccoli shrinks prostate cancer tumours in rats more effectively than either food was able to do alone.
The research suggests that when tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together there is a cumulative effect, because each food works on a different anti-cancer pathway. So When you decided to cook some broccoli be sure to add some tomatoes along for the ride! 
Turmeric and Black Pepper
Image from food-beverages.exportersindia.com
This yellow spice used typically in Indian dishes is rich in a compound called curcumin which is a powerful anticancer and anti-inflammatory agent.
One of the problems with using turmeric to improve your health is that the body does not absorb it very well. The solution is to take turmeric with black pepper and some oil. By doing this, you can increase the curcumin's absorption by up to 1,000 times. So what are you waiting for ? Spice it up!!

Lemon and spinach

Image from kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com
Vitamin C in lemons helps with the absorption of plant-based iron. It actually converts much of the plant-based iron into a form that's similar to what's found in red meats which is easier for the body to use. The plant-based iron is also known more commonly as non-heme iron.
Combining a squeeze of lemon or other citrus fruits to spinach helps get the maximum iron punch from it. So add the citrus flavour and gain the iron power!

Oolong tea with fat-rich meals
Image from http://www.oolongteawulong.com/oolongtea.html 
  Studies on the tea have suggested that it helps with digestion in a number of ways. Oolong tea alkalizes the digestive tract, which can be helpful for people with problems like acid reflux.
Oolong tea also stimulates the metabolism, and helps the body to break food down more quickly. Oolong is especially good at breaking down fat, making it easier for the body to use. Oolong tea has mild antiseptic properties, and can help kill harmful bacteria in your digestive system. So many benefits in just a single cup of tea!

'Good fats' with vegetables
Image from http://www.themahanandi.org/category/jihva-for-ingredients/ 
Eating a little "good fat" along with your vegetables helps your body absorb their protective phytochemicals, like lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark-green vegetables.
In a recent study, it was found that consuming avocado with your meals would increase 8.3 times more alpha-carotene and 13.6 times more beta-carotene (both of which help protect against cancer and heart disease), and 4.3 times more lutein (which helps with eye health) than those who did not eat avocados. Isn't it nice to know that fat does some good?

Vinegar and Carbohydrates 

Image from http://www.wellsphere.com/wellpage/healthy-carbohydrates
Image from http://diabeticmediterraneandiet.com/2010/03/22/vinegar-to-treat-diabetes/
A study done at the Arizona State University found that consuming two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before lunch and dinner can help non-dieters lose, on average, half a pound per week. The acetic acid found in vinegar moderates the rate at which carbohydrates break down.
This is a desirable effect because if sugar breaks down too quickly in the digestive system, it can upset blood sugar levels. This not only has implications for diabetics, but can also cause sugar highs (and the following inevitable drop in sugar levels) which affects weight and energy levels. Add a little sourness to beat the sweetness. ;)
